



The cinematography department of ANO "Festival Directorate" assists in the selection and introductory visits to locations, coordination of filming. Dear filmmakers, please note that in order to obtain permission for filming at the facilities of the administrations and municipalities of the Kaliningrad region, on federal highways and regional roads, in the territories belonging to the Ministry of Defense, etc., we ask you to inform the cinematography department in advance. The waiting period for a response to an application is 1 business day. The maximum period for obtaining permissions is 30 days in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The permission procedure:

Please note that if the filming process involves restricting the traffic on the roads of Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region, then in order to obtain an agreement to temporarily restrict or stop the road traffic, the cinematography department must provide information containing:

  • well- defined section of the road that is planned to limit or stop traffic;
  • dates and times of restriction / blocking of traffic;
  • the number of film crew and filming equipment on the road section.


If the traffic blocking is less than a day, it is necessary to develop a temporary scheme for the arrangement of technical means of traffic management and approve it in the Office of the State Traffic Safety Inspection in the Kaliningrad region. In case of restriction or blocking the traffic on the roads for a period exceeding a day, it is necessary to develop a project for the organization of traffic (Federal Law of December 29, 2017 No. 443 FZ "On the organization of road traffic in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 26, 2018 No. 480 "On approval of the Rules for the preparation of documentation on the organization of road traffic" ).

In connection with the above, the cinematography department asks to ensure the safety of road users to observe the procedure for coordinating filming processes on sections of regional or intermunicipal, local highways in the Kaliningrad region and send information about planned time restrictions or stoppages of vehicle traffic to the cinematography department in advance.